Noise pollution is a type of energy pollution in which distracting, irritating, or damaging sounds are freely audible. As with other forms ofenergypollutionsuch as heatand light pollution
Sound pollution is the biggest problem in this world most of the people can not here because of it, Disk, loud music coses that all to happen i think that people should less go to the disko becuase that is the biggest problem for noise pollution it harms you hearing. I know that because my mum is a singer and she told me not to to that because if y hearou lisen music so loud it will herm you hearing and nobady wantes that because you will need to have were ear devices.
Guiding Question:How does density of various solids affect the way the wound waves travel from the tuning fork?
Hypothesis: I think that the more smaller tune fork the louder the sound will be and the pitch will be higher.
tuning fork
white board
wood desk
Description of the loudness of the sound
Description of how long the sound lasts
The sound is high because the Layer of the locker is a thin layer.
the sound travels 6 second until it ends.
Wood Desk
The sound is very low because the desk is very hard
the sound travels 3 second until it ends.
White Board
The sound is very high because there is more surface area.
the sound travels 7 second until it ends.
III. Exploration (PLAN & DO A TEST): Using the tune fork you are going to hit a table or something that is solid when you hit the table and place the tuning fork on the white board and see how the tune fork behaves.
C. Analysis of Data: As i hit the thing on the desk there is a lot of vibration is small and as i place the tune fork i place on the board the vibration is bigger and bigger.
IV.(CONCLUSION): In conclusion this lab hes learned me a lot more about i wanted to learn i made me understand sound differently and how it behaves. I think that this is fun do do because you don’t have to researcher a lot you just have to do with the tune fork
V. (FURTHER INQUIRY): I would like to have done more of this and researched more because i enjoyed doing this a recommend to everybody to try and do this.
Stay as safe as possible during an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks and a larger earthquake might occur. Minimize your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place and if you are indoors, stay there until the shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe.
DROP to the ground; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture; and hold on until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
Stay away from glass, windows, outside doors and walls, and ianything that could fall, such as lighting fixtures or furniture.
Stay in bed if you are there when the earthquake strikes. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy light fixture that could fall. In that case, move to the nearest safe place.
Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and if you know it is a strongly supported, loadbearing doorway
Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.
Be aware that the electricity may go out or the sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on
If a earthquake occurred now i would probably start to panic and jump around, but i would thing through it and meby take shelter and try to protect my body body then when the earthquake finishes i would see if every body is okay and help to clean the room house or school room.
Tsunami or a tidal wave represents a series of tidal waves which is caused by the displacement of large masses of water. Tsunami can occur in oceans, but they can also occur in large lakes. They are very dangerous and can cause much damage to coastal regions. Tsunamis are most frequent in Japan and other Asian countries. In recent years scientists stopped using the term tidal wave because tsunamis actually have nothing to do with tide.
Different things can cause tsunamis, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and underwater explosions. Tsunamis can also be generated by other disturbances, that is mass movements, above or below the water. The principal cause of a tsunami is a change in movement of the sea. It is very important to say that tides do not pay any part in the creation of tsunamis and that is the reason why they are not any more referred to as tidal waves.
More thorough researches were conducted during the 20th century. Early scientific texts refer to tsunamis as “seismic sea waves”
On an internet site ( I found out how tsunamis are detected. In this process a G.O.E.S. satellite is very important. Assessment and reporting of tsunamis begin with a surface buoy which is placed on the ocean surface by a ship. Also, a bottom pressure detector is placed at the bottom of the ocean. When the earth below the water begins to shake, signals are sent to the surface buoy by the bottom pressure detector. Then, the surface buoy sends signals to the satellite. That is how tsunamis warning centers on the West Coast/Alaska are informed about disturbances under the water.
Tsunamis are very deadly because they can harm the environment and kill a lot of animals, also is brakes houses and then people don’t have shelter where they can rest, they are the one worst thing that can to a country.
I know how is it for the people when a tsunami is happening trust me you don’t want to be there you can get heart very badly or even get killed. When I was In Puket in Tiland an tsunami occurred.
My family and I enjoyed our time in Puket it was one of the best places where I when for vacation, everybody is friendly everybody will help you whatever you want. I was there with my family and some other fried’s that were with us. My mum can feel that some thin bad is going to happen and she couldn’t sleep at all same as my dad. My brother was to annoyed there because he didn’t have any friends there I had, so he assisted to go back to Serbia I was assisting to stay one more day because I enjoyed there, and my mum wanted to go too. So we went because the flight was so long we had to stop somewhere and have one night sleep in a hotel because our flight was next day, that mooring we put the TV on and it said then an tsunami occurred I Tiland Puket and that It killed a lot of people that were that. (wow I was lucky I went one day earlier)
Can you design and build a seismograph that can record the movements of simulated earthquakes?
I think our seismograph will work and we will make it.
Cardboard box
A couple of rubber bands
Some safety pins
A pen that is fine point
Paper that has a chart system
Toilet role
Get all the materials that you need
Get the cardboard box and the knife and then cut the bottom of the box off and the one side of the box so you can see into the box.
Now get the knife and make one hole in two sides that are parallel and make three holes on the top of the box and make t in the shape of a triangle.
Then get the string and put it through the top holes and then tape the ends of the strings to the pen and make sure the pen can touch the bottom of the box.
Now get the rubber band and put one rubber band through the holes on the sides and then attach them to the pen and then on the outside of the box use the pin and put it on so that the rubber band doesn't go into the box.
After get the toilet role and the paper and tape one side of the paper to the role.
Ok now put the paper under the pan.
Now your almost done, now you just have to make the box shake and you have to pull the paper away from the pen.
And now you have waves recorded on your paper and you will know when a earthquake happens.
Analyze and Conclude:
When we started to shake the table the pencil failed because we needed to put the cardboard on the bottom so the pencil didn't touch the paper so we had to glue and tape the card Bord on the bottom of it so the paper and the pencil are touching. We did tree tests the first test one was when we shakeup the table hard the pencil and the seismograph showed how strong is the earthquake.
Hello everybody this is a new way of finding the earthquake this will develop the word it will show the exact how the earthquake occurred and how strong is it. This wasn't a big machine it is a small one it can fit in you room it is perfect for you.
There are very little earth quakes in Serbia the last one was in Kraljevo which occurred about 2 months ago, that made a big intact in kraljevo, almost all of the school were closed. My dad had made an exhibition so he could give some money to help kraljevo, he also organized them where they can sleep for safety. There were 100 kids from kraljevo that my dad helped to come and organize the tennis exhibition.